Friday, October 26, 2012

"Race to Nowhere"

Campbell, Margaret

Abeles, V. & Congdon, J. [Film]. "Race to Nowhere"

Below is my review, and below this is a review from Nicole Chiodo 5-17-11. 

“Race to Nowhere” is ranked as top documentary film about education and a call for change in America’s schools. The 85-minute film features stories of students who are over-scheduled, over-tested and pressured to achieve at all costs. The film shows an educational system which creates situations that encourage cheating, where students are not engaged, stressed, depressed, and tired of classrooms. The learning environments portrayed in the film do not prepare students for college or the workplace.
“Race to Nowhere” has inspired a movement for change including: national speakers to bring the conversation to communities, online petitions, a discussion board, advocacy tools, Facebook and Twitter conversations, a National Resolution on High-Stakes Testing, and a tool kit for activists.


Nicole Chiodo' review from 5-17-11 

I personally have not had an opportunity (yet) to view a screening of this film, but I wanted to share it in the hope that others will have an opportunity to see a screening. Interestingly, I heard about this film from my dentist who saw a screening of it at her son's high school. She raved about how enlightening it was and how interesting to see the current state of our public schools and the students therein. There haven't been any screenings near me in the last few months, but it touches on a lot of the subjects under discussion in this class. After hearing my dentist's glowing review and reading the website, I look forward to seeing it at some point, and I hope some of you will enjoy it as well!

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