Monday, May 8, 2017

Co-planning in co-teaching: A practical solution

Pratt, S. M., Imbody, S. M., Wolf, L. D., & Patterson, A. L. (2017). Co-planning in co-teaching: A practical solution. Intervention In School & Clinic, 52(4), 243-249. doi:10.1177/1053451216659474


Summary:  This article provides an outline of how coteaching might be properly implemented considering the limitations of teachers. It is based on the assumption that, while coteaching is obviously more beneficial to the students because of the combined teachers' expertise, co-teaching can be hard to plan out when teacher are already overwhelmed by full schedules. In order for co-teaching to work, both teachers need to build the curriculum together. The article lays out a framework for co-planning the curriculum, co-assessment, and equal participation in each daily lessons. Most importantly, this framework is supported by technology, and the article discusses the various synchronous and asynchronous tools teachers can use to maintain equal levels of involvement and facilitate planning/discussion.

Review: This article looks more at co-teaching between two teachers, but the same framework can be applied to teacher-librarians (in fact, it may even be easier for them to engage in co-planning due to their involvement with supporting teachers in their curriculum). The article provides a bunch of practical information on co-planning, but also the article can be used as a potential example for connecting with teachers (i.e. showing teachers how co-teaching can be done even within their busy schedules).

[by Stephannie Tornow]

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