Saturday, December 5, 2015

ESEA, Librarians, and Advocacy

       Journalist Christina Vercelletto writes about education, politics, and libraries. She suggests that during a recent education bill, libraries weren’t included which resulted in cuts in school libraries nationwide. This is the first new education bill since No Child Left Behind (Vercelletto, 2015). In that act, school libraries were left out, which resulted in widespread cuts to school library staff and resources (Vercelletto, 2015).  This article suggests that it’s imperative for librarians to come forward and persuade politicians to vote in favor of a bill that will establish school libraries to meet education standards. In Common Core practices, many standards support the pursuit of information literacy and the use of the library for research and technology interests. A new bill is scheduled for review with the Senate. President Obama could sign a new ESEA—one that gives school librarians the support they need and deserve—before Christmas (Vercelletto, 2015).  The ESEA stands for the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This bill demands a complete education offered to every student. Vercelletto stresses the importance for librarians to speak up and advocate for their programs during the progress of the ESEA bill.
Please visit the American Library Association’s action page for directions on how to call your state senator to advocate for libraries in schools. Stress the importance of voting yes for the ESEA! Visit the ALA here for more information:
While there are just a few days left, it’s not too late for librarians to make a difference.
With ESEA Action Imminent, Advocates Maintain Pressure on Inclusion of School Libraries
By Christina Vercelletto on November 20, 2015                                                           

American Library Association

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