Saturday, December 5, 2015

Fostering Technology-Rich Service- Learning Experiences between School Librarians and Teacher Education Programs

Whitney Fischer



Shepherd, C., Dousay, T., Kvenild, C., & Meredith, T. (2015). Fostering Technology-Rich Service- Learning Experiences between School Librarians and Teacher Education Programs. Knowledge Quest, 44(2), 44-52.


The authors stress that teacher librarians have the power and know-how to serve as leaders of technologies in their schools,but they are often a resource that is seldom tapped.  A way to ensure that teacher librarians are being used to their full potential by the schools that employ them has already been explored by many researchers, and the answer lies in collaboration between teachers and teacher librarians. This article places an emphasis on the notion that future teacher librarians should take courses in their academic careers that will help them aid teachers in the classroom when necessary.

I appreciate that this article contains a friendly reminder that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to teaching information literacy skills, and teacher librarians need to tailor their curriculum and methods to their unique make up of students.  Different learning styles, technological skills, and backgrounds should all be accommodated if able.

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