Saturday, April 26, 2014

Inquiry and Assessment Using Web 2.0 Tools

Hernandez, Ramon

CO = Collaboration
IL = Information Literacy and 21st Century Skills


Buerkett, R. (2011). Inquiry and Assessment Using Web 2.0 Tools. School Library Monthly, 28(1), 21- 4.  Retrieved from 40sessionmgr4003&vid=1&hid=4207&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%                3d#db=llf&AN=64839752



                The article describes how to guide a student’s own curiosity and eagerness to learn in order to foster student exploration, research, learning, and collaboration.  The key to guiding students along this path of learning, according to the author, is by creating an atmosphere where they are self-directed and motivated.  The author explains that Web 2.0 tools lend themselves to the creation of self-directed learning environments that increase student skills and learning while allowing instructors to use the same tools to assess how well the students are learning.  Similar to other approaches that use Web 2.0 the author stresses that building on the prior knowledge of their students is vital to student learning.  Prior knowledge and independent learning is considered the springboard for creating new knowledge and sharing new information to create further questions to guide their quests for knowledge.  The article also outlines the role of teacher and teacher librarian as co-instructors guiding students towards this process.

            This article is very effective at introducing the concepts necessary for integrating Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.  Prior knowledge, shared knowledge, and new inquiries are seamlessly woven into the articles purpose of outlining the necessary steps for creating effective teacher and teacher librarian classroom collaboration.  The article also accomplishes the dual task of explaining how students should interact with Web 2.0 technologies and what instructors need to accomplish in order to successfully implement these technologies into the classroom.  The list of useful Web 2.0 resources is also very helpful for instructors that need to learn more about using these tools in the classroom.

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