Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hackschooling Makes Me Happy

Hackschooling Makes Me Happy

Lisa Gatzen

ET-New Trends
ET-Learning Styles
IL-Constructivism and IL
IL-Creative Thinking
IL-Critical Thinking
IL-Integrated or Separate
IL-Other Literacies

Hackschooling Makes Me Happy: Logan LaPlante at Tedx University of Nevada            


What do you want to be when you grow up? Every child has been asked that question and they answer with the things they are interested in doctor, astronaut, dancer etc. But what about happy? Go to school, go to college, get a job, and get married; then you will be happy.  Schools don’t make it a priority to teach kids how to be happy and healthy, it is separate from school. But what if we based education on being happy and healthy? So much of education is oriented towards making a living not making a life. How do you change that? You hack your education. Hackers are innovative and challenge the system. So, what is hackschooling? It is creativity + technology and online resources + experimental classes and camps + happy and healthy.  How do you hack your education? You take opportunities to learn about things that interest you and then experience what you learn.


The reason that I chose this Ted talk was because it really makes you think about the direction of education. I don’t think that Logan has all of the answers, but he is definitely on the right track. Students need more hands-on education and the need to experience what they learn. Let the students drive their education. This is a great video that can open up some very interesting conversations about education. 

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