Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Redesigning and Organizational Behavior Class Using the Understanding by Design Framework

Michael Ayala

Marshall, C.R. and Matesi, L. (2013). Redesigning and Organizational Behavior Class Using the Understanding by Design Framework. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice,    13 (3/4), 85-92.


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A research article explaining Backwards Design, it reveals to readers how educators using this concept decide what they want students to take from the lesson from the long term, figure out how that will be assessed, and design the coursework last. The article explains educators must write "Enduring Understandings" before working through the process, and gives suggestions on how to write effective understanding statements. The Understanding by Design Framework then suggests, according to the article, to take a moment and decide what parts of the lesson are absolutely critical to learning, what is important to know, and what is worth having an idea about. Doing so enables the educator to develop effective lessons that get the point across quickly and effectively.

This is a useful article to learn about backwards design, as the concept is explained early on and several examples of how it works are provided. It is also useful for readers who are familiar with the subject, but are seeking ways to evaluate it and implement it in class.

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