Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Blending Technology into Project Based Learning

Alan Phelps
ET-Inquiry and Problem-based Learning
IL-Other IL Models

Lenz, B.; Kingston, S. (2016, January 21). Blending technology into project based learning. P21 Blogazine. Retrieved from:


This is a very good article which takes an in-depth look into the idea that Project-Based Learning (PBL) + Technology = Deeper Learning.  The article defines what they mean by deeper learning and, interestingly, it examines how different types of technology have varying effects on student learning. It also looks at what other things need to be present along with technology to increase student learning. The article then goes on to look at the various ways PBLs and technology can be integrated into the curriculum. The authors of this article also authored a book in 2015 called Transforming schools: using project based learning, performance assessment, and common core standards.


I really enjoyed this informative article about project based learning andBuck Institute for Education's Gold Standard PBL 101 Workshop. I attended a 2 day Buck Institute Project Based Learning workshop 10 or so years ago and got a lot out of it. I still have the workshop binder and will revisit it when I get a chance. When I taught history I did a lot of project based units and additionally, I did a lot of outdoor experiential project based learning.  I found that when PBLs were prepared and executed well, they created a very rich learning experience for the students. Since then, PBL have fallen a bit out of favor in education but I believe strongly in a PBL based curriculum.

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