Porcaro, D. (2011). Applying constructivism in instructivist learning cultures.
Multicultural Education & Technology Journal,
5(1), 39-54. Retrieved from: http://library.calstate.edu/sanjose/metasearch/record?group=2014-02-24-002388&resultSet=046983&startRecord=2
In this paper, David Porcaro discusses the value of constructivist teaching techniques. He uses literary reviews to support his idea that constructivist strategies are more effective in the classroom and are able to help strengthen the student-teacher relationship. Porcaro also uses evidence from other educational theory scholars to describe the differences between constructivist and instructivist teaching. He includes information about how to handle difficulties with implementing new techniques and how cultural differences may impact the transitional process. The most beneficial aspects of this article are the table that outlines the major differences and the concept map that provides a "framework for introducing innovative pedagogies" (Porcaro p. 45).