How to use this blog

Your instructor is always hunting for the perfect open-source, cloud-based tools for use in this class. 

Starting Fall 2012, we are experimenting with Blogger as a research and communication tool. Our mission is to collaboratively build this blog. You have the freedom and authority to post articles, links, images, documents, questions, and anything else relevant to the class, all of which may be commented on by your peers.

Because the course blog is an experiment, please provide feedback to the instructor at the end of the course (via email or SOTES) about how you liked or disliked using the blog as a tool for learning. Thank you!

How to use this blog as a research tool

The blog is our collaborative research depository and resource library. Here are some tips for sharing research:
  • Please limit one article or question per blog post. In other words, publish each item separately before posting a new one. This allows materials and conversations to be retrieved individually. You are free to post as many times as you have comments and materials to share. 
  • When you share an article please include:

    1. Your name: last, first.
    2. The bibliographic citation, preferably in APA format.
    3. A summary of the article in your own words (this may be as brief as you want it to be).
    4. An evaluation or opinion of the article / research.
    5. **LABELS!!** This step is essential for users to retrieve your article, and for the "searchability" of the blog. Please read How to Label your Posts and List of Labels in this blog to select the appropriate label(s) for your post.
      1. Use the label tab on the right to label your posts.

How to use this blog as a discussion forum

We hope that students will see this blog as a fun tool for sharing and discussing ideas with each other. You are welcome to comment on any and all blog posts: articles, images, links, questions, etc. If you want to start a discussion topic, simply pose the question or address the issue in a new blog post, label it (please refer to the How to Label your Posts and List of Labels tabs at the top of this blog), publish, and wait for responses.

NOTE: If you have a question for the instructor, please email him rather than post the question in this blog.

To ensure that you don't miss any of the action, subscribe to posts and comments using the RSS feed options on the right side of the blog. 


  1. Citation suggestion: If our articles are available on the web as open source material, I think an added bonus to the site would be to link the citation to the original article so those who want to read it can do so in one click.

  2. Search suggestion: The blog should have a search bar. This would make it easier for students to check if an article s/he wants to post has already been posted in a previous semester. It would allow searching by author and/or article title rather than just by subject tags.

    1. top left of the blog at the top has a search bar. High left of the page.
