Harman, Sheila
IL Information LiteracyStrauss, Valerie (2016). The astonishing amount of data being collected about your child, Washington Post, November 12, 2016.
This article from the Washington Post, while it is not peer reviewed, is related to the
needs of libraries and the information highway. Access to the internet, to
individualized instruction with games and apps have forced private and mundane
info into the hands of many. There are those
attempting to protect privacy and many have a hard time keeping pace with speed
of data production. It is important to consider the rights of those who do not
know what they are providing freely for longitudinal data relating to , for
example financial information, for studies to groups like the Gates Foundations
and inBloom. They have searchable data sites for governmental use with terms
like “disability”, “homeless” and ethnicity.
It all may seem innocent until the info is used against you or a child.
Rating: This is an eye opener! The author provides insight and advocacy around the topic of privacy in our digital age.