By Terry Funk
DelColle, J. & Keenan, C. (2014). Co-Teaching partnerships for excellence in the age of accountability: A preliminary study of the effects of co-teaching in student teaching” (2015). NERA Conference
Proceedings 2014. Paper 5. Retrieved from:
This article reports the findings from a pilot study in New Jersey at Richard
Stockton College and sets the stage for continued research on Co-teaching with
student teachers and host/master teachers. Traditionally, student teachers in
New Jersey complete a third semester in a take-over model (in which they teach
a class for 14 weeks by themselves). With the current State and National
accountability standards emphasis on student test scores and the use of those
scores to determine teacher performance, classroom teachers have been reluctant
to have student teachers take over their classes. With this model the student
teacher is an apprentice rather than peer of the master teacher. The master
teacher makes explicit the workings of the classroom in an ongoing dialog,
providing guidance and encouragement. In the present study, a control group of
32 students were assigned the traditional take-over model while the
experimental group consisted of 15 students in the Co-teaching model. Host
teachers in the experimental group had initial training about co-teaching and
the option to complete an additional 3 unit Coaching and Mentoring graduate
course tuition free. Measures were taken by survey, observation evaluation of
host teacher (4 formative, 1 summative), and supervisors. Additionally in the
experimental group, elementary reading scores and middle and high school
teacher grades were collected. Similarities and differences between the groups
were documented. Modest to significant gains for the experimental group
included self-reported satisfaction levels among Co-teaching pairs, learning
gains of varying magnitudes among students, degree of professionalism observed
by supervisors, and host teacher growth.
The article is particularly important in a time when schools are challenged to
increase the quality of their clinical partnerships. Student teaching
experience is one of the most critical parts of teacher preparation and is
where theory meets practice. As a retired special educator, I have some
reservations about tying student grades to teacher performance. Indeed, some of
the neediest children may not even be graded on State tests and if they are,
then they are automatically considered performing below standard, even when
they are making progress. To attract very qualified teachers to underperforming
students is a challenge too. Aside from the politics, Co-teaching may be better
for all concerned, including special needs students. There were limitations in
this pilot that are being worked out in subsequent studies with new and better
design/instruments. If research can show that students are performing well with
this model then master teachers will be less anxious about State assessments
and better partners in clinical practice.