Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Collaborative Relationships with Principals

Eric Sanderson


Moreillon, J. (2014, December / 2015, January). Collaborative relationships with principals. School Library Monthly, 31(3), 27-28.

Summary. In this brief article, Moreillon speaks directly to school librarians about the importance of establishing positive collaborative relationships with school principals. Both descriptive and prescriptive in its content, Moreillon's article offers an introduction to the ways in which such relationships can (a) enrich a school's learning and teaching ecosystem and (b) develop the professional experience and expertise of school librarians and principals.

Evaluation. While we spend a great deal of time considering collaborative relationships between classroom teachers and teacher librarians, Moreillon's article reminds us that such relationships are often predicated on or shaped by the institutional framework developed or implemented by school principals. Moreillon's article provides a useful introduction to understanding the ways in which teacher librarians can carve out and/or develop their niche within a school's learning and teaching ecosystem by working proactively with school-level administrators. Also, it is worth noting that this article speaks to the Cutting Edge E (Expertise and Leadership) component of the LIITE model.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Design thinking in a day

Found at: http://designthinkingforlibraries.com/

With the help of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation IDEO and the Chicago Public Library created and shaped this guide for design thinking specifically for busy librarians! IDEO and Chicago Public worked really hard to create a beautiful guide that covers the basics of what DT is and how to be successful at it. It's quick, 17 pages) and does gloss over the finer points of DT but overall if you just are looking for a quick primer or how-to it's well worth the read.

IDEO also created a design kit for further study that can be found here. http://www.designkit.org/

Friday, September 16, 2016

Newslet for Libraries

Newslet for Libraries is a monthly aggregated online newsletter for librarians by librarians. You can subscribe for free and unsubscribe at any time. Each "issue" is full of current trends, ideas, and stories for and about libraries. I love it and it's FREE.

Sign up here at http://libraries.newslet.org/

The Information Literacy User ’s Guide: A Remixed Open, Online Textbook

A free open source textbook on information literacy from The College of New Rochelle in New Rochelle New York.

Pros: In-depth FREE textbook on information literacy, well organized, you can cherry pick for only the information you need, great examples, excellent graphic orginizers.

Cons: In-depth textbook*

*full disclosure I'm cherry picking right now as there is no way I will be able to sit and read if all over the course of this review. I am really enjoying what I am reading. They provide great examples, the information is current and timely, and the graphic organizers help me to visualize what information literacy really looks like to my students.

Fazzino, L., Kahn, M., Octobre, M., Sucre, N., & Turley, J. (2016). The information literacy user’s guide: A remixed open, online textbook. Retrieved from http://digitalcommons.cnr.edu/gill-publications/59. Licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA and derived from Bernnard, D., Bobish, G., Bullis, D., Hecker, J., Holden, I., Hosier, A… Lorey, T. (2014). The information literacy user’s guide: An open, online textbook. Retrieved from http://textbooks.opensuny.org/the-information-literacy-users-guide-an-open-online-textbook/.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Blended Instructional Practice: a review of literature.

Johnston, Jeff

ET-Blended learning

Brown, M. m. (2016). Blended instructional practice: A review of the empirical literature on instructors' adoption and use of online tools in face-to-face teaching. Internet & Higher Education311-10.

Summary:  Blended learning has been discussed and researched by academia, but the primary focus has been student-centered.  Most students enrolled in degree programs have experienced some form of blended learning practices.  What has not been researched as greatly is the impact that blended learning shifts have on pedagogy, institutional practices, student and faculty behaviors, institutional infrastructure and more.  This article reviews existing literature to identify influences on blended learning in higher education.  

Analysis/Opinion:  Rather dry empircal review of existing research regarding blended learning practices.  I found it interesting that most of the research has been driven by examining the student role, receptivity, and success in blended learning classrooms.  Very little research exists about the instructor role, particularly in higher education, and what internal and external influences exists.  The tables at the end of the article are useful in that they define the four external and two internal influences on collegiate and university instructors utilizing blended instructional practices (BIP), and point to further research which both supports, is neutral toward, and is opposed to these influences.