Sunday, March 23, 2014

Expanding the School Library Media Specialist's Role: Integrating Close Reading into the Library Curriculum

Jessica Benson
Harris, J. (2014). Expanding the School Library Media Specialist's Role: Integrating Close Reading Activities into the Library Curriculum. Library Media Connection. 14-16.
A look at close reading techniques, its importance to literacy skills, and the school media specialist's role in the school reading/literacy program. Harris's article lists steps that can be taken by the school media specialist to incorporate close reading activities in the library curriculum. The librarian helps students ask and answer higher level questions, and connects the texts to their lives.
Harris gives good overall advice for incorporating the school librarian deeper into the learning process, as well as points about the increasingly important role of the school media specialist, and collaboration between class teacher and librarian. Also some great first, second and third reading questions to get students thinking and engaging with the text!

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