Saturday, March 29, 2014

Inquiry Learning Vs. Standardized Content

Jessica Benson
Markham, T. (2013). Inquiry Learning Vs. Standardized Content: Can They Coexist? Mind/Shift. KQED. Retrieved from
Markham argues that sooner or later inquiry-standards will take precedence over content-based standards,” with the learning process at the forefront. This new method of teaching and learning seems to be at odds with a standards-based curriculum. Markham offers suggestions for integrating 21st century skills into the curriculum, a start toward effective project based learning and inquiry based education.

Intentional instruction and team learning form the basis of Markham's article. The question remains, however: How do educators shift into PBL and deep inquiry while addressing the standards and testing? Markham points out some of the major obstacles, but I do wish the article delved deeper into setting a balance between inquiry and content. The problems and opportunities of the shift to inquiry-based learning only begin at the practical, implementation level. 

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