Sunday, June 26, 2016

Curriculum that Questions the Purpose of Knowledge

Litzinger, Vicki

ET-Standards-based education, CA-Written curriculum, IL-Questions

Heick, Terry. (2014, October 15). Curriculum that questions the purpose of knowledge. Retrieved from

Summary and Evaluation

Heick's main question is "...what is the purpose of knowledge?" (4) As educators, we tend to get lost creating and revising curriculum to the extent that we forget the purpose of knowledge. We need to remember that curriculum is a tool that tells us "what knowledge, but doesn't answer why knowledge." (5)

Overall, the article was not the best and was often confusing. However I chose this article because it is a discussion in which I've been trying to engage my middle school students. For them, the purpose of an education (re; knowledge) is to "get a good job." So, I found this article validating in that I'm not the only person posing this question. And, I think it's a question that we need to put front and center in our discussions of curriculum planning in our schools and to communicate with all stakeholders. Decades ago, we used to know the purpose of knowledge--to be well-rounded citizens who could think, read, problem-solve, share cultural meaning. In the move to national standards for the purpose of testing, college, and good jobs, we've lost sight of the purpose for knowledge. And sadly, we've created students who now only value learning for the purpose of getting a good job.

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