Monday, May 8, 2017

Grant Lichtman at TEDxDenverTeachers

[TEDx Talks]. (2013, March, 20). What 60 schools can tell us about teaching 21st century skills: Grant Lichtman at TEDxDenverTeachers. [Video file]. Retrieved from


Summary: This lecture looks at the changes within classrooms to structure them as creative spaces. It presents an overview of the current industrial model of education and a suggested shift to thinking of education as an ecosystem i.e. students flourish under the same conditions that allow ecosystem to flourish. The main conclusion of this lecture considers how education already knows what works for students (Montessori, Waldorf, etc.-- we have plenty of educational theories that have shown progress) but changes have not occurred. Lichtman suggest there are several reasons the teaching model has not changed... from teachers wanting to maintain authority in the classroom to education governing boards which focuses content rather than context. Breaking down these barriers allows for innovation and student learning, and Lichtman the outcomes from students and schools who have focused on this type of education.

Review: Being a TED Talk, this lecture is rather general, and focuses more on inspiration/ motivation than information. While the depth of information is not there, it is good overview by a compelling speaker. The section on self-evolving learning presents an interesting look on education's place in an off-campus, online, and collaborative environment. This lecture looks at the methodology of change. Essentially, in a time of rapid technological change, it is useless to try to teach students concepts and skills. Learning needs to shift to teaching students HOW to learn new concepts and skills, and be ever adaptive and learning as adults.
[by Stephannie Tornow]

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