Wednesday, May 14, 2014

PBL and STEAM Education: A Natural Fit

Liu, Jacqueline


Miller, A. (2014). PBL and STEAM Education: A Natural Fit.  Retrieved from

Educational consultant and online educator Andrew Miller cites examples on how project-based learning can be integrated into STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, art and math).

This articles presents practical advice classroom teachers who teach STEAM, and it accompanies a video clip showing teachers discussing the assessment and design rubric on the students’ wing design project.  The examples offered are insightful and doable.  Great piece for STEAM educators looking for PBL ideas.

The invisible iPad: It’s not about the device

Liu, Jacqueline


Cohen, M. (2014).  The invisible iPad: It’s not about the device.  Retrieved from

Cohen argues that regardless of the form of educational tools students use, whether it is an iPad or any other device, without a clear goal in mind and the assessment of skill sets students will lose sight of the purpose of project-based learning.  In order for students to create products with different technological devices, Cohen urges educators and educational technologists to focus on the foundational skills and to provide guidance for students on how these devices and applications will enhance basic skills.

While this article does not cite any evidence (i.e., statistics) from research studies, the author’s strong opinions stressing the importance of clarifying learning outcomes over the use of difference technological devices make up for the missing data from educational technology studies.

Designing Effective Library Services for African American Youth

Educational Theory

Angelique Mullen


HUGHES-HASSELL, S. (2013). Designing Effective Library Services for African American Youth. School Library Monthly, 29(6), 11-13. 

Abstract: The article discusses the role of school libraries in helping achieve the goals outlined in U.S. President Barack Obama's executive order of improving the educational achievement and life outcomes of African American youth. It notes that effective library programs move beyond teaching isolated skills to enable African American youth to see the value of literacy skills in the real world. It cites the virtual library that provides an opportunity for them to cultivate voice and agency.

Evaluation: In 2012, President Obama signed an initiative that attempts to provide more school library services and attention toward African American youth. This article discusses the five elements involved with designing effective library programs and services for African American youth. First, it is very important to have administrators who examine library policies to ensure that they are responsive to the lives of young African Americans. Responsive principals can provide the necessary infrastructure for developing and delivering appropriate library services. Second, it is essential to have competent and culturally sensitive school librarians who interact with African American youth as individuals and not through the lens of culturally deficit human beings. School librarians cannot be half-hearted in their efforts to close the education gap for African American youth. Teachers often see African American students as the problem students, instead of embracing the beauty and challenge of each individual student. 

Next, school librarians need to move beyond the teaching of isolated reading skills to enable African American youth to see the value of literacy in the real world. By setting high expectations for them, and helping them connect literacy to the real world, they can enable African American youth to act in their own communities. Materials need to be relevant and sensitive to African American youth, with books that mirror and reflect their own lives. Too often, library materials are full of white children and have no cultural relevance to African American young people. Finally, library spaces need to be welcoming places for all young people, enabling them to increase and express their literacy.

The future is in doubt: Librarians, publishers, and networked learning in the 21st century

21st Century Skills

Julian Zamora

IL-21st Century Skills

Menchaca, F., (2012).  The future is in doubt: Librarians, publishers, and networked learning in the 21st century.  Journal of Library Administration.  Retrieved from PDF Link.

This article considers the relationship between social networking tools, such as Facebook, and learning. It examines the consequences of personalization associated with such tools on research, critical thinking, and information literacy. New roles for libraries and librarians are discussed, as are the broader social, political, and cultural implications of changes to how students are educated.

We've all learned in this class that 21st century skills are a critical asset to have if you want to 1. Do well in school, and 2. Be successful in your desired career.  This is true because as technology moves forward, so will our jobs that use these technologies.  For the students that were surveyed in this study at a college, they understand how to use this technology, but the library use as a resource of references are dwindling.  

So what's interesting is that the Menchaca advises libraries to become places of "networked learning", where 21st century skills are put to the test and maximized with instructors, librarians and students.  At the same time, Librarians should be "research sources" and be better utilized in the online marketplace.  

Construction of the foundations of the PLE and PLN for Collaborative Learning

Educational Theory and Practice

Julian Zamora

CO-Collaboration Strategies

Marin, V., Negre, F., & Perez, A., (2014).  Construction of the foundations of the PLE and PLN for Collaborative Learning (2014).  Media Education Research Journal.  Comunicar Vol.21(42).  Retrieved from PDF Link.

In the article, Marin, Negre & Perez, the authors argue that a PLE and PLN are important for collaboration within students, and discuss its importance through a Virtual Learning Environment.  Their study of Primary Teachers “show that the students construct their PLE and PLN using newly acquired knowledge and that an appropriate methodological integration takes place between these environ- ments and the institutional VLE for integrated learning”.

Much like we’ve learned through the last assignment, the Personal Learning Environment and Network, this article is great for the validity of the use of technology as a way to keep learning. At the same time, these tools are crucial for the collaboration of learning with other websites, other people.

Can Student Driven Learning Happen Under Common Core

Curriculum and Assessment

Julian Zamora

CA-Assessment Strategies
CA-Common Core Assessments

Ratzel, M., (2013). Can Student Driven Learning Happen Under Common Core.  Mindshift.  Retrieved from  

The article talks about how student driven learning begins with an essential question (like our KBCs) and examines whether this type of learning is compatible with Common Core. (Included is a link to an article about Project Based Learning being “worth the trouble.”)

This article brings up good points about how teachers will be able to handle the transition ideas of Common Core, and making sure that curriculum is student-driven, and not just lecture.  This class taught me how to specifically solve this problem through a KBC and the different Transformations.  Likewise, the article also brings up the point that some teachers may be hesitant or just misinformed about ways to properly give students the reins to learn on their own.

Transforming Collaboration: Student Learning - Anytime, Anywhere


Julian Zamora

CA-Student Learning

Jones, S., & Green, L.S. (2012).  Transforming Collaboration: Student Learning – Anytime, Anywhere. Teacher Librarian. Retrieved from PDF Link.

This article discusses the importance of web 2.0 technologies to incorporate collaboration among students and teachers and teacher librarians.


Printed in 2012, the authors of this article definitely understand that to “integrate information literacy skills and instruction into the curriculum” requires collaboration between both parties.  Much like our class discussions, the authors discuss how difficult it can be for those two parties to physically get together and work on shared curriculum.  However, once they do, the results are very effective for students and student learning. 

They have some good resources for librarians and teachers to help students collaborate such as: Diido, Edmodo, Jing, Thinglink, Scribd, Voicethread and other sites that we used in this class for our collaboration lesson plans.     

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Redesigning and Organizational Behavior Class Using the Understanding by Design Framework

Michael Ayala

Marshall, C.R. and Matesi, L. (2013). Redesigning and Organizational Behavior Class Using the Understanding by Design Framework. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice,    13 (3/4), 85-92.



A research article explaining Backwards Design, it reveals to readers how educators using this concept decide what they want students to take from the lesson from the long term, figure out how that will be assessed, and design the coursework last. The article explains educators must write "Enduring Understandings" before working through the process, and gives suggestions on how to write effective understanding statements. The Understanding by Design Framework then suggests, according to the article, to take a moment and decide what parts of the lesson are absolutely critical to learning, what is important to know, and what is worth having an idea about. Doing so enables the educator to develop effective lessons that get the point across quickly and effectively.

This is a useful article to learn about backwards design, as the concept is explained early on and several examples of how it works are provided. It is also useful for readers who are familiar with the subject, but are seeking ways to evaluate it and implement it in class.

To Flip or Not to Flip?

Michael Ayala

Bergmann, J. & Waddell, D. (2012). To Flip or Not to Flip? Learning and Leading with Technology, 39 (8), 6-7.



An opinion piece from Learning with Technology, two teachers face off and talk about the virtues and vices of flipping classrooms - leaving lectures to be reviewed at home while class time is used for projects and labs. Jonathan Bergmann, a science teacher, explains once he flipped his class he never went back to the traditional class lecture times. Eliminating lectures in the class results in a more focused curriculum, he explains, and frees up time for teachers to take a close look at their projects
and determine if they are really worthwhile. He concedes not all subjects are good flipping candidates, as math, science, and foreign language would likely benefit more from a lecture format.

Teacher Derrick Waddell argues flipped teaching isn't an advancement in education - it's a side-step. Students are still submitted to lectures, but the difference is they have to wait to go to class to have their questions answered rather than receiving immediate feedback. Flipped teaching also contradicts the push for greater teacher accountability, he argues, as it shifts the responsibility of teaching to students. Finally, flipped classrooms may serve to widen the digital divide, as only students and communities with the finances to support it will be the ones to benefit.


A good article focusing on the pros and cons to flipping classrooms. This shouldn't be the first article for students new to the concept to read, however once they are familiar with the subject it is a great one to read to understand both sides of the issue. Many articles talk about the virtues of flipped teaching, so exposing oneself to the other side of the matter is highly beneficial.

A Meeting of the Minds

Michael Ayala

Bayliss, S. (2013). A Meeting of the Minds. School library Journal, 59 (12), 1-1.



This article discusses how the private New City School in Missouri has integrated multiple intelligences into the design of its library. The library hosts weekly Multiple Intelligence Centers and engage in a variety of activities, such as performing scenes from a book, create murals, or complete puzzles. Though the library tries to incorporate activities to support all intelligences, it focuses on logical-mathematical intelligence the most with board game tournaments. It also creates a variety of group activities to help students develop their interpersonal intelligence. Other intelligences come naturally, such as linguistic, with the library's host of literature.


Although this article doesn't explicitly discuss the multiple intelligence concept, the article is valuable as it demonstrates how some schools have embraced it and developed unique ways to cater to students. It also suggests several methods libraries can adopt to cater to multiple intelligences, and perhaps even give ideas to public librarians on how to serve multiple intelligences through their programming.

Orchestrating Multiple Intelligences

Michael Ayala

Moran, S., Kornhaber, M., & Gardner, H. (2006). Orchestrating Multiple Intelligences. Educational Leadership, 64 (1), 22-27.



This article from Educational Leadership discusses the concept to multiple intelligences - that there are 9 different ways students learn with varying strengths and weaknesses. The article claims teachers do not need to create 9 different lesson plans to accommodate the individual ways students learn, but instead should keep the concept in mind to develop as rich a lesson plan as possible to facilitate learning in those areas. Furthermore, the article explains multiple intelligences can both help and hinder students. Some intelligences work in concert with another, an orator could have having strong interpersonal and linguistic skills that enhance each other. Others could have their learning processes bottle-necked by weaknesses - though students may have learned the lesson, their weak linguistic skills prevent them from adequately explaining it in writing. Finally, the article discusses Project Spectrum, which is an interactive assessment process for preschool children to provide fun activities to help evaluate what intelligences a student is strong and weak in. Another environment playing to multiple intelligences is Danfoss Universe in Denmark, a museum that incorporates multiple intelligence activities in its exhibits.

This article provides an excellent base-point for students beginning to learn about multiple intelligences. Besides including a handy chart on the intelligences and what they are, the article goes in-depth on how they can work together or hinder student learning. It also provides excellent examples on how teachers can develop so-called "rich experiences" to incorporate multiple intelligences into their lessons, as well as how some organizations evaluate students to determine their strengths and weaknesses.

Bully for Blogging

Michael Ayala

Barack, L. (2006). Bully for Blogging. School Library Journal, 53 (7), 20-50.



A quick article from School Library Journal, it discusses an effort by Steve Hargadon to educate teachers on the effectiveness of  blogs in instruction. Hargadon's project, Support Blogging!, was developed in response to the Deleting Online Predators Act, which seeks to limit the ability of children to create webpages, create profiles, use e-mail, and particpate in chat rooms.
Hargadon argues such an act severely limits the abilities of students to participate in the information age, and would severely impact their education.

A very, very short article but useful to teach newcomers to the education field about Steve Hargadon and his values. It also introduces newcomes to damaging legislation that sought to curtail students' use of important Web 2.0 tools without regard to how it would impact education.

Be the Learner You Wish to See in the World: Steve Hargadon

TL Editors. (2013). Be the Learner You Wish to See in the World: Steve Hargadon. Teacher Librarian, 40 (3), 59-60.



An opinion piece in Teacher Librarian from Steve Hargadon, he promotes the use of Web 2.0 tools in the class room, to help students learn more about lessons and the world around them. He also bemoans the trend of the national discussion on education is so focused on teaching and high-stakes testing, rather than focusing on learning. In order to help students learn using technology, Hargadon
argues, teachers and parents should use the software and hardware they promote and provide a living example of how useful technology can be. Hargadon briefly touches upon Personal Learning Evironments, and how they help students constantly evaluate, store, and contribute to the learning experience. Finally, Hargadon explains that by teachers and parents serving as examples - what he calls "you, first" it helps to break down the traditional highly-directed teaching methodology and transform it into a self-directed affair where students take control and responsibility of their own education.


This is a great article to introduce students new to the field of education to Steve Hargadon. Besides explaining who he is, the reader gets a good sense of what Hargadon is about, where his values lie, and what he feels is important. The article also makes important commentary on Web 2.0 tools, how useful they can be, and how they transform education. Hargadon also peppers the article with potential roles teacher-librarians can take in the instruction of technology, and how they can contribute to the learning process as a whole.

What it Takes to Succeed

No Author. (2014). What it Takes to Succeed. Journal of Staff Development, 35 (1), 10-11.



A brief article from the Journal of Staff Development, What it Takes to Succeed
discusses the impact collaboration has on students, learning, and teachers.
The article stresses the importance of professional development to teach
collaborative strategies - and that collaboration cannot occur alone. If
these strategies are to be taught in class, teachers must also collaborate with
one another to create a greater, collaborative culture within the school.


Though short, the article stresses the importance of collaboration and gives
examples on how it benefits students. The article goes further than most, however,
by stressing teachers must also work with one another, and administrators should
endeavor to teach these strategies as part as professional development courses.
This is a good starting point for beginners to learn about collaboration and
why it is important, without deluging them with a tremendous amount of information.

21st-Century Skills Vital for Students, Challenging to Impart, Say Educators

No Author. (2014). 21st-Century Skills Vital for Students, Challenging to Impart, Say Educators. NSTA Reports!, 8-9.



Published by the National Science Teachers Association, this article discusses poll
results regarding the importance of 21st-Century Skills and the difficulty
teaching them to students. The article immediately defines what 21st Century
Skills are, and how many educators actively attempt to integrate them into
lessons. The articles then quotes various educators on how they integrate those
skills into their lessons, how they assess the effectiveness of their lessons
and how well students are learning, and the challenges faced.


This article is a great introduction into 21st Century Skills, and also gives
concrete examples of how educators are integrating them into their lessons.
The article is also valuable because it doesn't sugar coat the challenges
associated with teaching these abilities, and also provides examples on how
educators overcame them.

Transforming Pedagogies: Integrating 21st Century skills and Web 2.0 Technology

Michael Ayala


Tucker, S. (2014). Transforming Pedagogies: Integrating 21st Century skills and Web 2.0 Technology. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Learning, 15 (1), 166-173.


Published in the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Learning, the article discusses
21st Century Skills, Web 2.0 tools, and the author's experience with several of them.
The article also briefly discusses the virtues of each tool, contains a list of several
suggested tools, and how they can be used to better instruct students. Among the tools
discussed are discussion forums, group blogs, project-based learning environments,
wikis, and more.


This is a great, short article talking about Web 2.0 technologies that can help
transform a teacher's classroom from a traditional lecturing facility to a more
collaborative space. Specific tools are mentioned that any teacher can immediately
download, try for themselves, and see if it fits with their teaching goals. Overall,
this is a good article to introduce newcomers to the concepts of 21st Century Skills
and Web 2.0.

Information Superheroes.

Young, Alice

CA-Open Curriculum
CA-Written Curriculum

Information Superheroes.
Frey, S. (2013). Information Superheroes. Knowledge Quest, 41(5), 52-55.

The article discusses responsibilities of school librarians with regard to the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) U.S. education initiative. She acknowledges position statement published by the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) on CCSS. She emphasizes necessity of collaborahting with teachers in aligning CCSS into their skill instruction. She also offers tips for promoting informational texts to faculty members creatively.

The author propose that school librarians ought to make the most of their schedule by dedicating to the opportunities to help all staff members. By mastering the CCSS to assist colleagues, school librarians can provide students the education students need to be college and career ready. This article gives a positive overview of the role for school librarians, considering the knowledge of resources they have in hand, it is appropriate for school librarians to disperse their expertise into the educational arena.

What is inquiry-guided learning?

Young, Alice

ET-Standards-based Education

What is inquiry-guided learning?
Lee, V. S. (2012). What is inquiry-guided learning?. New Directions For Teaching & Learning, 2012(129), 5-14.

Inquiry-guided learning has widespread appeal for a variety of institutions of higher education throughout the world. As a suite of teaching strategies that defies a simple prescription for practice, inquiry-guided learning challenges practitioners to develop conceptual frameworks that describe inquiry as a site of student learning rather than of traditional scholarship.

In this article, the author displays how inquiry-guided learning is beneficial and as a subset of active learning. Inquiry-Guided learning promotes the acquisition of new knowledge, abilities, and attitudes through students independent investigation of questions, problems, and issues. The author indicates this teaching strategy requires faculty members to reimagine their discipline as a framework for learning rather than a framework of scholarship. That it is advantageous for institution to bridge their teaching and research missions and enhance the intellectual culture of their campuses. Overall, the idea provides an optimistic intake towards a desirable student learning outcome.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Everything You Need To Know About Common Core: Diane Ravitch

CA-Assessment Strategies
CA-Common Core Assessments
CA-Effects of Common Core


 “Everything You Need to Know About Common Core”, is a transcript of a speech given by Diane Ravitch that discussed how the Common Core came to be and what the implications of the Common Core are. Ravitch reviews the implications of No Child Left Behind and then moves into Race to the Top, both linking teacher performance to test scores. This leads to her discussion about Common Core and the lack of field testing, the power of the testing corporations and the creation of a test-based meritocracy. Ravitch also offers suggestions that would improve Common Core.


This was the first thing I read for class this semester. It has become one of the most important things I have ever read, not only for my career, but more importantly for my children.  I think that Ravitch make an excellent argument against the Common Core, and our failing education system. No other nation tests their children the way we do. It is not effective as a tool to test student knowledge or teaching skills. The idea that a generation of children will be taught based on un-editable, untested standards is frightening.  Not everything about Common Core is bad; and I would have liked for Ravitch to discuss some of the positive ideas in Common core like the inclusion of 21st Century skills. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Visions, Reality Collide in Common Tests

Angela Brugioni

CA - Curriculum Assessment CA - Common Core Assessments

Sawchuk, S. (2014). Vision, Reality Collide in Common Tests. (cover story). Education Week, 33(29), S8-S12.

This article examines the progress and obstacles that have been helping and hindering the development of assessments for the Common Core by two main coalitions, the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). When these two coalitions won the government bid (of 360 million) to develop assessments they committed to significant design criterion. Some of the original goals that are being met include the use of technology in testing. In the future most students will not be filling in bubbles with No. 2 pencils but will instead be using computers. Also big on the list is the inclusion of more and better performance testing, which means writing essays using one or more (preferably original) resources, analyzing data, explaining mathematical reasoning, and conducting research. Both consortia undertook to create assessments that could be scored artificially, however this has proven difficult when scoring performance based tests, so as of now some pieces will need to be evaluated by trained professionals. Part of the difficulty is due to the short time table of development. Tests are scheduled for release by 2014-15, but the complexity and novelty of this type of assessment design demands more time. Also a concern is the use of technology in testing. Some districts simply may not have the capacity or capability to test with technology.

I welcome a change to the STAR test, I celebrate it. The new assessments may have snags and need some work, but it’s sorely needed in my opinion. A main objective of these redesigned assessments is to provide teachers with timely information and “tools and resources that would help teachers translate year-end testing targets into instructional units.” Tests should be designed to improve and advance instruction to the benefit of learners. One thing I found interesting is that for-profit (and to be fair, some not-for-profit) vendors are waiting in the sidelines for these new tests to fail so they can push their own product. This is a theme I’m finding in many of the articles I’ve reviewed. There is a fear of expensive and questionable test design from third party sources. I guess it’s not surprising that companies are looking to make a profit on the educational system (textbooks, I’m looking at you), but I feel like this would sway the balance of fairness in schools as ultimately those with enough money can buy the best design and those with no funds are left without.