Sunday, May 11, 2014

Two Things You Can Do To Increase Communication With Parents

Shawn Pomatto


Byrne, R. (2014). Two things you can do to increase communication with parents. Free Technology for Teachers.

The best way to have parents stay informed is to do just that, inform them!  Byrne (2014) talks about not only using a blog, but updating that blog consistently.  The problem he has experienced is that teachers seem all fired up in the beginning when they are first introduced to using a blog.  Then as time passes, so too does teacher interest in maintaining current information on their blog.  One of the reasons for not keeping up on the blog is teacher dissatisfaction with the feedback or lack thereof.  The only thing that should matter is that students and parents are regularly checking in to your blog to get new information. Build this habit in your students by updating the blog throughout the entire year.  The second form of communication is texting.  You can create a group text with your phone.  Young people today prefer text messages as opposed to emails.  There are plenty of apps that allow the user to type in the message and hit send one time.  All of the contacts will then be send the text message.

Communication is a necessary component in collaboration with parents.  Having a blog and keeping up with postings shows parents that not only are you highly organized, but you too have bought into the 21st century ideals of technology and information literacy.  Parents will appreciate your efforts to keep them, and the students, informed of what is going on in class.  Having 24/7 access to your teaching message works well with working parents who may have a time conflict because of where they work.  Texting is a definite means of communication in today's world.  What is not mentioned in the article is the creation of a twitter account and/or facebook.  These two are perhaps the most popular social media sites out there.  By using the free features these apps provide, a teacher can almost guarantee proper communication using all forms of digital media.  

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