Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Be the Learner You Wish to See in the World: Steve Hargadon

TL Editors. (2013). Be the Learner You Wish to See in the World: Steve Hargadon. Teacher Librarian, 40 (3), 59-60.


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An opinion piece in Teacher Librarian from Steve Hargadon, he promotes the use of Web 2.0 tools in the class room, to help students learn more about lessons and the world around them. He also bemoans the trend of the national discussion on education is so focused on teaching and high-stakes testing, rather than focusing on learning. In order to help students learn using technology, Hargadon
argues, teachers and parents should use the software and hardware they promote and provide a living example of how useful technology can be. Hargadon briefly touches upon Personal Learning Evironments, and how they help students constantly evaluate, store, and contribute to the learning experience. Finally, Hargadon explains that by teachers and parents serving as examples - what he calls "you, first" it helps to break down the traditional highly-directed teaching methodology and transform it into a self-directed affair where students take control and responsibility of their own education.


This is a great article to introduce students new to the field of education to Steve Hargadon. Besides explaining who he is, the reader gets a good sense of what Hargadon is about, where his values lie, and what he feels is important. The article also makes important commentary on Web 2.0 tools, how useful they can be, and how they transform education. Hargadon also peppers the article with potential roles teacher-librarians can take in the instruction of technology, and how they can contribute to the learning process as a whole.

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