Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Preparing Teachers and Librarians to Collaborate to Teach 21st Century Skills: Views of LIS and Education Faculty

Samnath, Kayla


Latham, D., Gross, M., & Witte, S. (2013). Preparing Teachers and Librarians to Collaborate to Teach 21st Century Skills: Views of LIS and Education Faculty. School Library Research, 16, 1-23. Retrieved April 20, 2016, from: http://www.ala.org/aasl/sites/ala.org.aasl/files/content/aaslpubsandjournals/slr/vol16/SLR_PreparingTeachersLibrarianstoCollaborate_V16.pdf

This article really explored the relationship between librarians and educational faculty. The research conducted was through specific case studies of teachers working with librarians. Through this research, authors discovered how “successful Collaborative relationships in the field is fraught with challenges” (Latham et al. 2013). One key point the authors point out is that teachers do not understand the potential role librarians can play in assisting student learning outcomes. Some of the learning outcomes teachers find themselves focusing on is “information literacy”.  This revolves around assessing, evaluating, and managing information.
Through a case study approach, the authors were able to provide a few strategies for successful collaboration, as well as identify some of the barriers. Participants suggested a course where both education and LIS students could take in which they work together. Several participants also suggested a course that solely focused on 21st century skills. Utilizing these methods might increase and foster collaboration between educators and librarians. The major barrier the authors identified was the perception of the librarian role. Educators and administrators typically underestimate the usefulness of the position.
With the implementation of common core, teachers are encouraged more than ever to collaborate with the librarian. Even a library seminar is extremely helpful. The authors point out that college freshman with a “below” average score in information literacy find demonstrations of electronic materials and search engines to be the most useful.

This article was extremely useful in explaining some of the challenge educators and librarians face in terms of collaboration. Although parties acknowledge the usefulness of co-teaching, implementation has been questionable at best. I also enjoy when authors use a case study approach, because it is analyzing current faculty and their experiences. However, the authors themselves admit their sample size is small, and therefore cannot be generalized. They suggest that more information be conducted in this area, and i could not agree more. One important factor this article points out is the perceptions of teachers and administration towards the librarian. I think this has a large impact as to why there is a lack of collaboration between parties. I would recommend this article for any novice who is learning about 21st century skills and collaboration/co-teaching.

CA-Formative and Summative Assessments

Rebecca Robinowitz


Marsha Lovette PhD, director of Carnegie Mellon University and Psychology professor (2009) What is the difference between formative and summative assessment? Retrieved from: http://www.cmu.edu/teaching/assessment/basics/formative-summative.html


According to Marsha Lovette PhD, director of Carnegie Mellon University and Psychology professor (2009), summative assessment appears to be in contrast with formative assessment. Formative assessment evaluates student development and progress and summative assessment evaluates a learner’s knowledge of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Examples of summative assessments include a midterm exam, final project, paper, or standardized tests. Summative assessments provide education stakeholders tangible information about future curriculum needs. However, summative needs can be used in a formative way if it is used to guide educator efforts and activities in subsequent course.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Taking the Doors Off the Classroom Through Collaboration

Duffy, Leah

CO-Collaboration Strategies

Perez, J. (2015, January 7). Taking the doors off the classroom through collaboration. Retrieved May 20, 2016, from http://www.hotchalkeducationnetwork.com/collaboration-with-purpose/ 
Summary and Evaluation:

This article goes over collaboration in schools and how it can be fostered from the beginning of a school. It also goes over the stages that collaboration will often undergo on it's way to becoming the normal: "forming", "storming", "norming", and "performing".  If educators can get through these steps it will ultimately improve their teaching.  The article does acknowledge that not all teachers are open to collaboration, especially ones that are establish in working independently.  Though the article cites how consistent collaboration has helped lead to improved math test scores for a school that tried it out. 

This article is easy to understand and is well laid out in sections.  The part that talks about the stages of collaboration were interesting to me because they are the same stages we have talked about in our classes when we do group work.  I also like that Perez defends his position but acknowledges the changes that collaboration faces in schools.  I also appreciate that Perez backs up his statement with a school that has benefited from collaboration.
Duffy, Leah

IL-Information Literacy

Johns, S. K. (2012, March 23). "Library skills" = Information literacy skills = Common Core skills. Retrieved May 20, 2016, from http://blogs.slj.com/make-some-noise/2012/03/23/library-skills-information-literacy-skills-common-core-skills/ 
Summary and Evaluation:
This blog post highlights how the ways that Common Core States Standards incorporates information literacy.  This is specifically highlighted for the benefit of teacher librarians.  The blog post encourages teacher librarians to build on specific information literacy standards to show their worth to school administrators, and policy makers in their states as well as in Washington D.C..  The theme of looking at your school's standards and curriculum to find the way you may have not noticed that your job as a teacher librarian is central to fulfilling curriculum is a good message.

The blog post is short and sweet and it serves as an important reminder to educators to be their own advocates in their schools and beyond.  They used direct excerpts to illustrate their point and used a voice of empowerment.  It's also just a valuable lesson beyond the direct subject of the post; be your own advocate!

The Common Core Frequently Asked Questions

Duffy, Leah

CA- Common Core States Standards

The Common Core FAQ. (2014, May 27). Retrieved May 20, 2016, from http://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2014/05/27/307755798/the-common-core-faq 
Summary/ Evaluation
NPR's educational arm compiles 25 FAQ about the Common Core to try to debunk some of the misconceptions surrounding the standards and clarify what it is for the common person.  The questions cover everything from who developed the Common Core State Standards; to how it effects testing, teaching, math, etc.; to who stands to financially gain from the Common Core.  
There is a lot of good information compiled into a single resource for anyone interested in understanding Common Core better.  I liked the general use of easy language that is designed for non teachers.  This is a great starting point for any novices to education that want a foundation understanding of Common Core before they jump further into the standards.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Exploiting Synergies Among Digital Repositories, Special Collections, and Online Community

Reyna, Lisa

IL - Media Literacy

Huwe, T. (2009). Exploiting synergies: among digital repositories, special collections, and online
community. Online, 33(2), 14-19.


Huwe elaborates on how only just a few years prior to the writing of this particular article, there were only a couple of leading research facilities (E.g. Library of Congress) capable of developing an online presence of high-quality digital library collections. Further discussion into the article depicts that today in current times, this ideal is no longer the case. Huwe speaks of the rise in development of digital collections not only emerging among research libraries, but also other organizations as well as various museums. Research libraries and librarians are evolving with the constant change of advancement in digital media technologies and are becoming familiar with open-source web development tools specialized in digitization, although most collections are of a smaller scale. 

Emphasis is expressed when referencing the importance of historical collections and how an online presence will not only benefit libraries and librarians, but also have the capacity to reach new scholars and experts trying to obtain rare materials within a searchable online environment. Huwe also ventures into the realm of social networking, blogs, and community websites such as MySpace, Facebook, and Bebo, which are currently responsible for enabling managers of digital repositories to merge technologies utilizing web 2.0 applications, therefore symbolizing the effect of creating new synergies. I found this article to be quite interesting as Archivists and scholars now have the ability to be involved in newly developed trends surrounding the accessibility of historically valuable collections through the opportunity to take on leadership roles in scholarly communities.

Good Leaders Learn What Not to Do - Leading from the Library

Reyna, Lisa

ET - Government and Professions

Bell, S. (n.d.). Good Leaders Learn What Not to Do - Leading From the Library. Library Journal. Retrieved May 20, 2016, from http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2012/09/opinion/leading-from-the-library/good-leaders-learn-what-not-to-do-leading-from-the-library 


Leadership in the Academic Library Profession: Evaluation and Assessment of Leadership

In the article, “Good Leaders Learn What Not to Do”, Steven Bell mentions how Kouzes and Posner are responsible for the “ten truths of leadership” and how valuable an asset this information is to the working professional, but voices his opinion on the importance of learning what leaders should not do in the workplace as well. [2]

Truth 1: You Make a Difference
Truth 2: Credibility is the Foundation of Leadership
Truth 3: Values Drive Commitment
Truth 4: Focusing on the Future Sets Leaders Apart
Truth 5: You Can’t Do It Alone
Truth 6: Trust Rules
Truth 7: Challenge Is the Crucible of Greatness
Truth 8: You Either Lead by Example or You Don’t Lead at All
Truth 9: The Best Leaders Are the Best Learners
Truth 10: Leadership Is an Affair of the Heart

The ten truths listed above are from Kouzes and Posner’s book, The Truth about Leadership, which each concept is featured in it’s own chapter. [1]

Steven Bell believes that by identifying the presence of ineffective leadership in libraries, this approach could also prove to be just as valuable to the overall success of professional leadership. Throughout this article, he refers to the effectiveness of how not to lead and focuses on another article written by Steve Staninger titled “Identifying the Presence of Ineffective Leadership in Libraries”. Staninger mentions the inability of leaders to treat their employees, as they would want to be treated themselves. Other instances of ineffective leadership include moral disengagement and micromanagement. When these instances arise within the workplace, the negativity can lead to damage of employee morale as well as fundamental damage to the organization itself. [2]

Although leadership can be expressed in many facets, academic librarianship possesses a need to conduct it in a highly professional manner, while working with internal as well as external stakeholders, such as librarians; library staff; administrators; students; faculty; non-library administrators and staff. [2]

I truly believe that all individuals placed within a leader/management role should possess a certain type of skillset and quality, which would allow them to be a positive role model as well as leader in the workplace. Staninger describes that ineffective leaders have a disregard for the importance and value that represents institutional culture by neglecting the consultation of employees who could be beneficial in the overall decision-making process in creating a better workplace. I also believe that there is truth to this theory. As an effective leader, he/she has to maintain a certain quality in order to achieve greatness. True leaders aspire to make a difference and when mistakes are made, they learn from them allowing themselves room for growth and wisdom when bestowing their knowledge onto others. True leaders also allow their employees the credit deserved when making a positive impact on the organization by acknowledgement and recognition.

As Steven Bell describes in his article, I too believe that it is always a better practice of knowing all aspects of management and leadership, even when it comes to researching the ways in which a leader could be ineffective in order to learn and determine which concepts and behaviors to avoid.

Additional Sources:

1. McKinney, M. (n.d.). Leading Blog: A Leadership Blog: Ten Truths about Leadership. Leading Blog: A Leadership Blog: Ten Truths about Leadership. Retrieved May 20, 2016, from http://www.leadershipnow.com/leadingblog/2010/08/ten_truths_about_leadership.html

2. Staninger, S. (2011). Identifying the Presence of Ineffective Leadership in Libraries. Library Leadership & Management, 26(1), 1-7. Retrieved May 20, 2016, from http://journals.tdl.org/llm/index.php/llm/article/view/5782/5815  

Common Core and New Adoption: Race to the Top

Shibrie Wilson

ET- New Trends
ET- Restructuring
ET-Standards-based Education
CA- Who Decides
CA-Common Cores Assessments

Cappiello, M. A. (2014). When Racing to the Top Slows Us Down- On Common Core. School Library Journal. Retrieved from http://www.slj.com/2014/10/opinion/on-common-core/when-racing-to-the-top-slows-us-down-on-common-core/

Summary: Mary Cappiello has had the opportunity to network with different persons from teachers to librarians all in different states and able to learn more about Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Common Core State Standards continues to be in the forefront of educational debates. Many have perception that supporting CCSS one supports standardized testing. Cappiello stated "being against them suggests a belief in a top-down government and/or a corporate takeover of education, plus a massive mandate for more testing." Race to the Top (RttT) is a different implementation of educational curriculum. It seems as though Common Core State Standards is the problem its Race to the Top in which enforces excessive testing and specifically tracks achievement by numbers. Schools that have adopted Race to the Top funding are only focused on test scores of students and not the experience and their intellectual growth, everything is based around numbers. Not only are students under pressure with RttT but teachers as well because their performance is dependent on test scores. 

Reflection: I have heard more negative things associated with Common Core State Standards than positive. Now I see that not only is CCSS becoming an issue but Race to the Top. Numbers, numbers, numbers that seems be all legislators care about. Maybe it is because they are trying to compete with other students globally but I am sure there is another way to go about this. I do not believe standardized test should solely determine a students performance throughout their educational career. Curriculums such ad these presented are taking the joy out of being an educator. 

Calling for a United Front on Assessment FOR Learning

Maricar Laudato

CA-Formative and Summative Assessments

Dixon, M. (2009). Formative assessment practice, formative leadership practice, formative teaching practice, assessment of learning, assessment for learning, assessment as learning. New Zealand Principals' Federation Magazine, 15-17.

In this article, Malcolm Dixon makes the case for the important distinction between Assessment of Learning and Assessment for Learning. In Assessment of Learning, administrative and governmental entities call for the collection of information that assess and compare the performance of students against a set of academic standards. Examples of Assessment of Learning would be the annual standardized tests that students would be required to take under the new Every Student Succeeds Act (2015). Dixon argues that the nature of Assessment of Learning does not enhance student understanding or improve the quality of learning. This is when Dixon proposes a simple switch in words from "of" to "for" causes a revolution when educators start moving towards Assessment for Learning. In this situation, teachers put the focus on asking students questions about what and how they learn and supports the developmental needs of a more Constructivist learning approach.

I really liked reading Dixon's article; so much so that I searched Twitter to see if he had an account so that I could follow him but I couldn't find any (I try and follow library professionals that I admire and other organizations that align with my professional goals). His theories on formative assessment is probably the one I read that come closest to The Big Think theories. I liked how he was able to pack in some large theoretical ideas in relatively easy to understand language that was engaging. Plus, he used bullet-points throughout his article to underline major points and to visually break up the article in discernible chunks, which I thought was another great strategy to make his article more accessible to readers.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Digital Libraries Postive or Negative

Shibrie Wilson

CA- Who Decides
IL- Analysis and Synthesis
IL-Media Literacy
IL- Other Literacies
IL- Integrated or Separate

The Good News and the Bad News. (2015, May 24). Retrieved from http://lj.libraryjournal.com/blogs/annoyedlibrarian/2015/05/14/the-good-news-and-the-bad-news/

Summary: There is a constant debate among librarians regarding going digital. Many traditional librarians are opposed to materials being accessible to patrons digitally. The issue that some librarians prefer that patrons access library physically and not accessing just on website. Since libraries are constantly competing and defending its relevance we must continue to offer innovative content and materials for patrons. Individuals are seeking after materials in which they can access online without coming to a physical library. This article focuses on different arguments from across the board from those who fully support a digitized library. Some librarians are ready to change the stereotype associated with library of it being boring and just for purpose of "reading books." Libraries will continue to remain relevant due to preferences of different persons, according to article. 

Reflection: I resonated with this article because it is frustrating to think about different aspects of library and where it will leave professionals. There are different aspect because as professionals we must continue to provide innovative ideas in order to compete with technology. Yet, downside to such is that it can possibly eliminate our jobs. 

When Reading and Coteaching Mix

Maricar Laudato

CO-Collaboration Strategies

Conklin, K. P. (2012). Making the case for coteaching—the evidence-based way. Knowledge Quest 40(4), 46-49.

In this article, Kerry Pierce Conklin discusses how coteaching practices are vital to improving reading comprehension for students of all ages. She argues that when you mix the expertise of a content professional (the teacher) with the information literacy professional (the librarian), significant improvements in the student learning process take place. Conklin provides 3 different types of what she considers coteaching: "one teaching/one supporting," "parallel teaching," and "team teaching." The "one teaching/one supporting" is when one person teaches and the other person walks around to help answer any questions on the content. "Parallel teaching" is when the teacher and librarian each teach half of the students at the same time. "Team teaching" is when both the librarian and teacher share teaching responsibilities and work together throughout sections of the lesson. Conklin then goes on to mention findings that involve teachers recounting positive outcomes as a result of coteaching. For example, these teachers felt that their students all used high quality websites and showed an ability to draw conclusions as a result of critical thinking.

I felt that this article fell a bit short of making the case for coteaching across all academic disciplines. I wanted to feel a strong conviction after reading the article that a solid argument had been made for why school librarians should be in high demand, but I didn't feel that. I do believe that Conklin's article, however, makes an excellent case for why teachers should work with her to boost the level of reading comprehension for all students. I was completely convinced that Conklin's strategy for improving reading comprehension through coteaching could provide the basis for her eventual tenure should she go that academic route. Where the article falls short is that Conklin goes straight to the outcomes of coteaching, the sound bites that PR executives like to pepper reports with, yet does not really delve into the intricacies of why or how coteaching works.

Reinvention of Libraries

Shibrie Wilson

ET-New Trends
ET- Restructuring
Z- Discussions

 Manguel, A. (2015, October 24). Reinventing the Library. Retrieved May 21, 2016, from http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/24/opinion/reinventing-the-library.html?_r=0

Summary: Libraries and information in which they hold are defined in different perspectives. One thing in which most people can agree on is that libraries have been the hub for accessing information. Over the course of history libraries have been able to adapt to changing conditions whether war or other idiosyncrasies in history. During era of Alexandria libraries were viewed as powerful and central place for symbol of society. Libraries have become a social center for many patrons, according to this article, and librarians have done an excellent job befitting such change. Librarians are able to stay relevant in these times by diversifying mandate. Providing services in which traditionally were not provided, in which is excellent because it exhibits how librarians are more than just guiding one to a particular book. Being an advocate for libraries and assuring that they are not cut because they are important for symbols in our society.

Reflection: Enjoyed reading this article though I do not agree with all statements made. Some points are imperative regarding history of library and its essence. As librarians we must continue to provide services for all patrons even when that includes adopting new job descriptions. Ultimately the goal is to provide service, learning commons, and increase literacy. Literacy is an interdisciplinary word not confined to print materials only.  

The Best Animation Tools, from CrazyTalk and Toon Boom to Free Web Apps

Alan Phelps
Stern, J. (2011, May). The Best Animation Tools, from CrazyTalk and Toon Boom to Free Web Apps. Retrieved from http://www.slj.com/2011/05/reviews/tech/the-best-animation-tools-from-crazytalk-and-toon-boom-to-free-web-apps/

This is a good informative review article discussing online animation tools and some of the ways they are being used in schools. The article talks about the importance of schools giving students a creative outlet and tools to express themselves but the bulk of the article is a review of the best pay and free online animation tools. CrazyTalk and ToonBoom were selected as the best pay tools and they recommend quite a few free online sites like AniBoom and CreaToon 3.0 as two of the best. They also review and recommend some non-animated comic strip creation tools that look fun and interesting.

I liked this article because it was non biased and informative. It gave good concise information on each tool or website and explained what they liked and disliked about each. I am particularly interested in this because next year I want to begin creating a maker space in the high school library at which I am the TL. Over the course of the next few years I want to use part of the library space for drawing, digital storytelling, animation, video making, and someday, maybe even 3-D printing. I will refer back to this article when I am ready to begin work on this space. While this article is from 2011 I think it is still relevant but I need to look into the recommended sites and tools to see if they are still at the top.