DiZazzo, Cynthia
Gretter, S., & Yadav, A. (2016). Computational Thinking and Media & Information Literacy: An Integrated Approach to Teaching Twenty-First Century Skills. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning, 60(5), 510-516.
In this article, the authors discuss methods that combine creativity with critical analysis, utilizing skills of computational thinking and information literacy to “provide an all-encompassing continuum of 21st century skills” (Gretter & Yadav, 2016, p. 510). The authors describe complementary skills from the College Board CSP framework and the UNESCO framework and relate these skills to seven big ideas: creativity, abstraction, data and information, algorithms, programming, the internet, and global impact. Finally, they promote the use of Scratch, a programming tool that blends aspects of computational thinking and information literacy while being flexible enough to appeal to a variety of students.
Although very dense, the information about computational thinking and media and information literacy provided in this article was very detailed and enlightening. Many of us acknowledge that students need to possess research skills, utilize technology tools and be adept at understanding the messages of media in order to find, evaluate, interpret and synthesize information. However, these authors further insist that educators have a responsibility to encourage students to become knowledge creators, rather than apathetic bystanders who consume information without contribution.