Henry, R. (2013). THE
EMBEDDED LIBRARIAN FOR K-12 SCHOOLS. Library Media Connection, 31(4),
22-23. Retrieved from http://libaccess.sjlibrary.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eft&AN=84557819&site=ehost-live
CO- Embedded Librarianship
Summary: This
brief article outlines embedded librarianship, examples of success in the
academic setting, and how it can be adapted to the K-12 setting. Without the budget and staff of an academic
library, K-12 librarians should start small.
Librarians need to familiarize themselves with what is being taught and
when, so they can suggest materials for use.
Making themselves available helps them become team players, and
advertising their services through any means possible builds awareness among
staff members. There are five phases to
embedded librarianship, the first being the introductory stage where librarians
introduce themselves, attend meetings, and target people to build relationships
New Trier High School used to employ at least three subject librarians: English, Social Studies, and Science, although they would work with teachers from any department if needed. They were my inspiration to become a librarian!