Thursday, April 24, 2014

The ABCs of 21st Century Literacy

Fleming, Giovanna
IL- 21st Century Skills/Critical Thinking
McCabe, M. (2013, November/December). The ABCs of 21st Century Literacy. Leadership,   14-16.
Molly McCabe’s article stresses the obvious.  It’s the same situation most of us are encountering.  It’s becoming a common occurrence in most schools.  Educators are talking about the Common Core, the 21st century(which is already here), and how teaching styles have to evolve so, we can raise a generation of critical thinkers.  She expresses how amazing it is to witness how educators throughout the nation are collaborating to develop new classroom strategies.  Educators are eagerly learning how to become better teachers.  The article focuses on the importance of flexibility, adapting, and collaborating but, McCabe also emphasizes the value of having students learn how to connect with others via technology.  As educators, we must also be able to teach students how to ask pertinent questions which will assist them to build on their prior knowledge.  We also have the responsibility to teach them where to locate viable resources. Obviously, we will be teaching them the process of the scientific method. She explains it best in the sentence, “ educators must focus on teaching students to learn, unlearn, and relearn so they can adapt to the rapid change they will be facing in the future.” (McCabe, 2013).
Molly McCabe creates a checklist for educators to prepare for the 21st century student in the 21st century classroom.  I would recommend this article to any educator as an introduction to 21st century literacy.  It is a great article to read while beginning research on the topic.  It would lead to further research which would be needed to determine how to utilize, teach, and guide students through the ABCs of 21st Century Literacy.  She also includes a viable list of references at the end of her article which are worth reading, as well.

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